Hassan Raza

  • Position:
    Lecturer of Mathematical Sciences
  • College:
    College of Science, Mathematics and Technology
  • Office:
    CSMT 508

Education background

B.SC. in Mathematics and Physics
University of Punjab, Pakistan

Masters in Mathematics
University of WAH, Pakistan


Ph.D. in Mathematics
Anhui University, China

Courses teaching in WKU

Math 2110 Discrete Structures,

Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3544)


Dr. Hassan Raza is a Lecturer in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Wenzhou-Kean University. He was a post-doctoral fellow at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. He achieved research funding during his post-doctoral and published eighteen articles as a first, corresponding and contributing author in highly reputed journals.

Research interests

Graph Theory

Metric Theory


Mathematical Chemistry

Discrete Mathematics

Algebraic Graph Theory

Selected Publications

  1. Hassan Raza Computing open locating-dominating number in some rotationally-symmetric graphs. {Mathematics} 9, no. 12 (2021):1415, https://doi.org/10.3390/math9121415


  1. Hassan Raza, Naveed Iqbal, Hamda Khan, Thongchai Botmart, Computing locating total dominating number in some rotationally-symmetric graphs. {Science Progress} 104(4)(2021): https://doi.org/10.1177/00368504211053417


  1. Hassan Raza, Jia-Bao Liu, Muhammad Faisal Nadeem, Muhammad Azeem, Partition dimension in some generalized Petersen graphs. {Complexity} (2021) https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5592476


  1. Hassan Raza, M. F. Nadeem, Ali Ahmad, M. A. Asim, Muhammad Azeem. Comparative study of valency-based topological indices for tetrahedral sheets of clay minerals. {Current organic synthesis} 18, no. 7 (2021): 711-718:

http://doi.org/    10.2174/1570179418666210709094729


  1. Umer Ali, Hassan Raza (corresponding author), Yasir ahmed. On Normalized Laplacians, Degree-Kirchhoff Index and Spanning Tree of Generalized Phenylene. {Symmetry 13}, no. 8 (2021): 1374. http://doi.org/10.3390/sym13081374


  1. Sunny kumar sharma, Hassan Raza (corresponding author), Vijay Kumar bhat “Computing edge metric dimension of one-pentagonal network”. {Frontiers in Physics: 600} (2021) https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2021.749166.


  1. Hassan Raza, Ying Ji, Shaojian Qu, On mixed Metric Dimension in some Path related graphs. {IEEE Access} 8, 188146-188153;(2020) http://.doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030713


  1. Hassan Raza, Ying Ji, Computing mixed Metric dimension in Generalized Petersen graphs$P(n,2)$. {Frontiers in Physics} 8 (2020): 211; https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2020.00211


  1. Hassan Raza, Jia-Bao Liu, Shaojian Qu, On mixed Metric Dimension in rotationally symmetric graphs. {IEEE Access}8 (2019): 11560-11569. http://.doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2961191


  1. Hassan Raza, Sakander Hayat, Xiang-Feng Pan, On the fault-tolerant metric dimension of convex polytopes. {Applied Mathematics and Computation} 339 (2018): 172-185 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2018.07.010


  1. Hassan Raza, Sakander Hayat, Xiang-Feng Pan, On the fault-tolerant metric dimension of certain interconnection networks. {Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing} 60, no. 1 (2019): 517-535. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12190-018-01225-y


  1. Hassan Raza Xiang-Feng Pan, Sakander Hayat, Binary locating-dominating sets in rotationally symmetric convex polytopes. {Symmetry} 10, no. 12 (2018): 727. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10120727


  1. Hassan Raza, Sakander Hayat, Muhammad Imran Xiang-Feng Pan, Fault tolerant resolvability and extremal structures of graphs. {Mathematics} 7, no. 1 (2019): 78. https://doi.org/10.3390/math7010078