Natural Science Laboratory
The Comprehensive Laboratory Building (CLB) of Wenzhou-Kean University has a total area of about 1,200 square meters. It was officially completed and put into use in September 2021. CLB houses common research areas and labs including cell and molecular biology labs, general biology and biochemistry labs, microbiology labs, and specialized equipment, cell culture and other preparatory rooms that support the teaching and research activities of faculty and students of CSMT. CLB also serves as a professional and international experimental platform for the development of biology and chemistry disciplines as well as teaching and scientific research of the university. The total value of teaching and scientific research equipment in the laboratory building exceeds 20 million yuan and this includes advanced equipment such as a Waters liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer and a Zeiss laser confocal microscope.
Laboratories are mainly divided into research laboratories and teaching laboratories.
Research Laboratories
CLB104 is a shared research laboratory for Biology, currently occupied by professors in the Department of Biology. It is equipped with instruments that satisfy and are tailored for the research needs of different faculty. CLB206 is a research laboratory for Chemistry, currently occupied by high-achieving Chemistry professors.
Teaching Laboratories
CLB106 is a cell and molecular biology laboratory that supports undergraduate and graduate level experimental courses such as immunology, cell physiology, cell biology and biotechnology. It contains a cell culture room and is equipped with biological safety cabinets, inverted microscopes, high-speed centrifuges, carbon dioxide cell incubators and other equipment for cell and tissue culture.
CLB204 is an equipment area. It also contains a plant cultivation room equipped with fluorescent lights and LED growth chambers, mainly for cultivating Arabidopsis thaliana and other small plants. The large equipment room in CLB204 supports liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry experiments. The liquid chromatograph uses the difference in the distribution ratio of the mixture between liquid-solid or two immiscible liquids to first separate the mixture, before passing through the mass spectrometer for ion detection. The detector attached to the high-performance liquid chromatograph in our laboratory is ultraviolet and it can detect the substances with ultraviolet absorption in the mixture.
In 2022, a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer was purchased and can be used in conjunction with this liquid chromatograph for the detection of metabolites, pharmacokinetic research, and identification of macromolecular substances. The full mass scanning range of MS and MS/MS can be performed, and specific ions can also be detected. The mass range of quadrupole is 20-16,000, and the mass range of TOF is 20-100,000.
This atomic absorption spectrometer includes flame and graphite furnace atomizers and is also equipped with accessories such as an automatic sampler and a cyanide generator. The configuration is relatively complete. The instrument is mainly used for the analysis of constant and trace metal elements, such as the detection of heavy metals in water quality.
CLB203 is a microbiology laboratory used by biology majors and contains basic equipment such as sterile operating tables, incubators, and constant temperature water baths. The lab is also equipped with a Leica optical microscope with clear vision and good teaching feedback.
CLB202 is a general biology laboratory that supports undergraduate experimental classes including General Biology I and II, Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology. It is equipped with optical microscopes, dissecting microscopes, shaking tables, sterile operating tables, centrifuges and other basic equipment, as well as experimental teaching accessories such as human organ models, human skeleton models, and eye charts. There is also a cold storage and material preparation room between the general biology laboratory and the special biology laboratory, which is used to prepare and store experimental materials.
CLB201 is an analytical chemistry laboratory with an area of 133 square meters. It contains a spectrum room, a preparation room, and a teaching room. The teaching equipment is equipped with a total of 803,600 yuan. The spectrum room mainly includes Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, molecular fluorescence spectrometer, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, electrochemical workstation, 100,000-percent precision balance and other analytical equipment, which can be used for spectroscopic research and teaching. The analytical chemistry teaching laboratory is equipped with multiple acidity meters, magnetic stirring heaters, ovens, centrifuges, and other general equipment. It mainly supports the teaching needs of analytical chemistry and general chemistry such as the determination of activation energy, Nernst electrochemical equilibrium, etc.
CLB205 supports the teaching task of organic chemistry experiments. It contains many fume hoods that allow experiments to be carried out in a safe manner. The laboratory also has a complete set of organic synthesis facilities, temperature-controllable magnetic heating stirrer, melting point apparatus, Abbe refractometer, etc. Experimental teaching is mainly based on small classes, accommodating 8 groups of students to operate, basically guaranteeing that each group of students has dedicated equipment, and the teaching will be more effective.
The laboratory of Wenzhou-Kean University teaching building was completed in September 2014. Among them, D301 is a basic biology teaching laboratory with a construction area of more than 182 square meters and an investment of more than 6.22 million yuan. Experimental equipment includes high-speed centrifuge, PCR instrument, DNA electrophoresis device, gel imaging system and microplate reader, etc. Provide support for basic biology general education courses in schools. D303b is a scientific research laboratory. The experimental equipment includes spectrophotometer, electrophoresis instrument, constant temperature culture shaker, high-speed refrigerated centrifuge, desktop muffle furnace, etc., serving scientific research. D304 is a general physics laboratory with a construction area of 140 square meters and a total investment of more than 1.5 million yuan. It mainly undertakes lab session of general physics courses. D305 is an environmental teaching and scientific research laboratory, which can not only meet the teaching tasks, but also serve scientific research, and support the experimental learning of environmental professional courses in our school.