Bo Wu

  • Position:
    Lecturer of Computer Science
  • College:
    College of Science, Mathematics and Technology
  • Office:
    GEHK C225

Education background

B.S. on Computer Science
FuDan University,

M.S. on Computer Science
FuDan University , Graduate school

Courses teaching in WKU

CPS 3250 Computer Operating Systems;

CPS 2232 Data Structure and Algorithms;

CPS 2231 Computer Organization and Programming;

CPS 1231 Fundamentals of Computer Science

CPS 1032 Microcomputer Applications

Tech 3525 Introduction to Unix/Linux


Senior IT professional with extensive experience on both service solution and service delivery for banking sector, healthcare insurance industry etc. including full lifecycle enterprise application design and development experience and quality management, process improvement, and IT governance experience;

Academic Qualifications:

  • Master of Computer Science, FuDan University, Graduate School, 3-year post-graduate courses, majored in Computer distributed system. Dissertation << The Research and Design of Remote Procedure Calls and its Implementation in Distributed System>>;

Bachelor of Computer Science, FuDan University, 4-year under-graduate courses, majored in Computer system architecture; Dissertation<< TCP/IP Research and its Implementation in UNIX Kernel>>

Research interests

Distributed computer system, Dynamic programming; Deep Learning