- 2019/11- 今 副研究员(中国科学院大学,温州研究院)
- 2016/11- 2019/11 国际博士后交流计划(中科院物理所,合作导师: Prof. Jure Dobnikar)
- 2015/10- 2016/10 博士后(英国爱丁堡大学,合作导师:Dr. Paul Clegg)
- 2012/09- 2016/04 博士(英国爱丁堡大学,导师:Dr. Paul Clegg)
- 2009/09- 2012/07 硕士(华南师范大学,导师:吴立军教授)
- 2005/09- 2009/07 学士(青岛大学)
- 2018/06– 今 制备多相不互溶液体材料并探索其在工业领域和生物学领域的应用
- 2017/06– 2019/04 Janus 乳液的制备与生物学应用 [1]
- 2016/11– 2019/03 运用液体粘度调控双连续型乳液凝胶(Bijel)的制备和结构 [2]
- 2015/10– 2016/10 室温下制备双连续型乳液凝胶(Bijel) [4, 6]
- 2012/09– 2016/04 探究柱形胶体在液体界面的自组装行为 [3, 7, 8, 10]
- 2009/09– 2012/07 研究金纳米颗粒的受激辐射机理 [5, 9, 11-13]
- 2019/08 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (Grant No. 11904390)
- 2018/06 中国博士后基金特别资助 (Grant No. 2018T110150)
- 2017/11 中国博士后基金面上资助 (Grant No. 2017M620946)
- 2016/11 国际博士后交流计划
- 2014/07 UK colloids国际会议优秀海报奖
- 2013/09~2013/11 英国爱丁堡大学 大学物理 1A (workshop,EN)
- 2013/02~2013/04 英国爱丁堡大学 大学物理 1B (lab demonstrator,EN)
- 面向希望在未来参与科研工作的本科生,开展一项适用于本科阶段的科研普及性课程。拟通过10篇具有学术代表性的最新科研文章,向他们系统地阐述科研理念,思路,方法, 科研精神,学术文章的阅读方式,写作方法等等。所选文章涵盖物理、化学、生物以及多学科交叉领域,适用不同学科的理科生参与。课程将主要以学生分组讨论的方式进行。
- 面向硕士研究生,开展一项科研工作的指导性课程。选取5-6个当前科技热点/难点/概念(如细胞内“相分离”),向研究生介绍科研过程中所能遇到的机遇,挑战,如何贯通分析,综合考虑,遇到阻力和困难时所需要采取的方法策略,解决途径等等。课程将结合具体的科研工作进行。
- Tao Li*, Andrew B. Schofield, Ke Chen, Job H. J. Thijssen, Jure Dobnikar, Paul S. Clegg. “Particle-Stabilized Janus Emulsions that Exhibit pH-Tunable Stability”, (Comm., 2019, 55, 5773-5776. 封底文章) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2019/cc/c8cc09842e
- Tao Li*, Jason Klebes, Jure Dobnikar, Paul S. Clegg. “Controlling the Morphology Evolution of a Particle-Stabilized Binary-Component System”, (Comm., 2019, 55, 5575-5578) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/cc/c9cc01519a
- Tao Li*, Kaisa Lilja, Ryan J. Morris, Giovanni B. Brandani. “Langmuir–Blodgett Technique for Anisotropic Colloids: Young Investigator Perspective”, ( Colloid Interface Sci., 2019, 540, 420-438. 特 邀 综 述 ) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021979719300566?via%3Dihub
- Tao Li*, Ke Chen, Jure Dobnikar. “Research progress of bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsion gel (Bijel)” –Invited review in Chinese, (Acta Physica Sinica, 2018, 67, 144701. 特邀综述) http://wulixb.iphy.ac.cn/CN/abstract/abstract72410.shtml
- Tao Li, Fanwei Zhang, Wenye Rao, Pei Xu, Lei Xu, Qiang Li, Li-Jun Wu. “Revealing the Mechanism of Photoluminescence from Single Gold Nanospheres by Defocused Imaging”, (ACS photonics, 2017, 4, 2003-2010.) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00376
- Dongyu Cai, Paul S. Clegg, Tao Li, Katherine A. Rumble, Joe W. Tavacoli. “Bijels Formed by Direct Mixing”, (Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 4824-4829. 封 底 文 章 ) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2017/sm/c7sm00897j
- Tao Li, Giovanni Brandani, Davide Marenduzzo, Paul S. Clegg. “Colloidal spherocylinders at an interface: Flipper dynamics and bilayer formation”, ( Rev. Lett, 2017, 119, 018001. 封 面 文章) https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.018001
- Tao Li, Fabio Nudelman, Joe Tavacoli, Huge Vass, Dave J. Adams, Alex Lips, Paul S. Clegg. “Long-Lived Foams Stabilized by a Hydrophobic Dipeptide Hydrogel”. ( Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1500601.) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/admi.201500601/full
- Wengye Rao, Qiang Li, Yuanzhao Wang, Tao Li, Li-Jun Wu. “Comparison of Photoluminescence Quantum Yield of Single Gold Nano-Bipyramids and Gold Nanorods”, (ACS Nano 2015, 9, 2783-2791) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn506689b
- Tao Li, Michail Kalloudis, Andre Zamith Cardoso, Dave J. Adams, Paul S. Clegg. “Drop-Casting Hydrogels at a Liquid Interface: The Case of Hydrophobic Dipeptides”, (Langmuir, 2014, 30, 13854-13860. 封面文章) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/la501182t
- Pei Xu, Qiang Li, Tao Li, Wenye Rao, Yuanzhao Wang, Shen Lan, Li-Jun “Enhancing the Surface-State Emission in Trap-Rich CdS Nanocrystals by Silver Nanoparticles”, (Plasmonics, 2014, 9, 1039-1047) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11468-014-9712-5
- Tao Li, Qiang Li, Xiao-Jun Chen, Yi Xu, Qiaofeng Dai, Hai-Ying Liu, Sheng Lan and Li-Jun “Three-dimensional Orientation Sensors by Defocused Imaging of Gold Nanorods through an Ordinary Wide-Field Microscope”, (ACS Nano 2012, 6, 1268-1277) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn203979n
- Zhi-Cheng Fu, Jun Dai, Tao Li, Hai-Ying Liu, Qiao-Feng Dai, Li-Jun Wu, Sheng Lan, Xia Wan, Shao-Long Tie, Achanta Venu “Femtosecond laser micromachining of ZnO nanorods for efficient two-photon-pumped random lasing”, (Applied Physics B 2011, DOI 10.1007/s00340-011-4833-4) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00340-011-4833-4?LI=true