Ryohei Seto, Ph.D.
- Mar. 10, 2006 Doctor of Science in Physics, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, Thesis: “Effect of doping disorder on the excess conductivity of high-Tc superconductor thin films” Advisor: Prof. Hiroshi Kuratsuji
- 2003–2004 Doctoral exchange program at Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France
- Mar. 2002 Master of Science in Physics, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
- Mar. 2000 Bachelor of Science in Physics, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
Research Experience
- (Appointment from 2020) Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Simulation Studies, University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan
- 2019.10–present PI researcher (Professor), Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou, China
- 2019.7–2019.9 Specially Appointed Researcher, Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
- 2019.5–2019.7 Visiting Researcher, Department of Materials Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
- 2019.2–2019.5 Visiting Researcher, Center of Soft Matter Physics and its Applications, Beihang University, Beijing, China
- 2018.4–2019.1 Program-Specific Researcher, Transport Phenomena Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Worked on normal stress differces and shear jamming of dense suspensions.
- 2015.1–2018.3 Group Leader, Mathematical Soft Matter Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Onna, Japan
- 2012.10–2014.12 Research Associate, the Levich Institute, City College of New York, New York, USA
- 2012.1–2012.9 Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Physics at Interfaces group, Mainz, Germany.
- 2009.11–2011.12 Postdoctoral Researcher, Technical University of Munich, Chair of process systems engineering, Freising, Germany
- 2008.10–2009.10 Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, Examined compaction processes of colloidal gels under pressure with simulations.
- 2006.10–2008.9 Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France, Developed a quasi-static Discrete Element Method with cohesive contact model to study yielding behaviors of colloidal gels.
Teaching Experience
- 2016 Grant Writing Peer Support Group for OIST researchers
- 2015, 2016 OIST Open Campus and Science Festival, Outreach teaching activities
- 2006 Lecturer at Ritsumeikan University, College of Science and Engineering, Kusatsu, Japan, Lectures and practical courses on computer programming.
- 2006 Lecturer at Ryukoku University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Otsu, Japan, Lectures on quantum mechanics.
- 2018 Invited as long-term visitor in KITP Program “Physics of Dense Suspensions”
- 2015 The Society of Rheology Publication Award
Grants and Scholarships
- 2017–2019 JSPS KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Project Number: 17K05618, ¥3,900,000
- Feb. 2015 Visiting Researcher (invited) in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Melbourne, $6,400
- 2014 CUNY Travel award (City University of New York), $1,000
- 2012–2013 DFG SPP 1273 Kolloidverfahrenstechnik, Contributed to proposal design and writing (PI: Prof. Heiko Briesen)
- 2006–2007 French Government Scholarship for postdoctoral fellowships
- 2003–2004 Scholarship for French-Japan doctoral exchange program
Organization and Service
- 2014 Stream organizer: 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Melbourne, Australia
Scientific Publications
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
- A. Singh, C. Ness, R. Seto, J. J. de Pablo, and H. M. Jaeger. Shear thickening and jamming of dense suspensions: The “roll” of friction. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124:248005, Jun 2020.
- R. Mari and R. Seto, Force transmission and the order parameter of shear thickening, Soft Matter, 15:6650–6659, 2019.
- R. Seto, A. Singh, B. Chakraborty, M. M. Denn, and J. F. Morris, Shear jamming and fragility in dense suspensions, Granular Matter, 21(3):82, 2019.
- K. Nagasawa, T. Suzuki, R. Seto, M. Okada, Y. Yue, Mixing Sauces: A Viscosity Blending Model for Shear Thinning Fluids, ACM Trans. Graph., 38(4):95:1–17, 2019. SIGGRAPH2019
- R. Seto and G. G. Giusteri, Normal stress differences in dense suspensions, J. Fluid Mech., 857:200–215, 2018.
- G. G. Giusteri and R. Seto. A theoretical framework for steady-state rheometry in generic flow conditions. J. Rheol., 62(3):713–723, 2018.
- R. Seto, G. G. Giusteri, and A. Martiniello. Microstructure and thickening of dense suspensions under extensional and shear flows. J. Fluid Mech., 825, R3, 2017. ⋆ Featured in Focus on Fluids, ‘Shear thickening’ in non-shear flows: the effect of microstructure
- A. T. Pham, R. Seto, J. Schönke, D. Y. Joh, A. Chilkoti, E. Fried, and B. B. Yellen. Crystallization kinetics of binary colloidal monolayers. Soft Matter, 12:7735–7746, 2016.
- R. Mari, R. Seto, J. F. Morris, and M. M. Denn. Discontinuous shear thickening in Brownian suspensions by dynamic simulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112(50):15326–15330, 2015.
- R. Mari, R. Seto, J. F. Morris, and M. M. Denn. Nonmonotonic flow curves of shear thickening suspensions. Phys. Rev. E, 91:052302, 2015.
- R. Mari, R. Seto, J. F. Morris, and M. M. Denn. Shear thickening, frictionless and frictional rheologies in non-Brownian suspensions. J. Rheol., 58(6):1693–1724, 2014. ⋆ Received the 2015 Society of Rheology Publication Award
- R. Seto, R. Mari, J. F. Morris, and M. M. Denn. Discontinuous shear thickening of frictional hardsphere suspensions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111:218301, 2013. ⋆ Featured as Editors’ Suggestion and highlighted in Physics Viewpoint, Friction’s Role in Shear Thickening
- J. Wenzl, R. Seto, M. Roth, H.-J. Butt, and G. K. Auernhammer. Measurement of rotation of individual spherical particles in cohesive granulates. Granul. Matter, 15(4):391–400, 2013.
- R. Seto, M. Meireles, R. Botet, G. K. Auernhammer, and B. Cabane. Compressive consolidation of strongly aggregated colloidal gels. J. Rheol., 57(5):1347–1366, 2013.
- E. C. Schlauch, M. Ernst, R. Seto, H. Briesen, M. Sommerfeld, and M. Behr. Comparison of three simulation methods for colloidal aggregates in Stokes flow: Finite Elements, Lattice Boltzmann and Stokesian Dynamics. Comput. Fluids, 86:199–209, 2013.
- R. Seto, R. Botet, G. K. Auernhammer, and H. Briesen. Restructuring of colloidal aggregates in shear flow: coupling interparticle contact models with Stokesian Dynamics. Eur. Phys. J. E, 35, 128, 2012.
- R. Seto, R. Botet, and H. Briesen. Viscosity of rigid and breakable aggregate suspensions: Stokesian Dynamics for rigid aggregates. Prog. Colloid Polym. Sci., 139:85–90, 2012.
- R. Seto, R. Botet, and H. Briesen. Hydrodynamic stress on small colloidal aggregates in shear flow using Stokesian Dynamics. Phys. Rev. E, 84, 041405, 2011.
- T. Hyouguchi, R. Seto, and S. Adachi. Overlooked degree of freedom in steepest descent method: steepest descent method corresponding to divergence-free WKB Method. Prog. Theor. Phys., 122, 1347–1376, 2009.
- T. Hyouguchi, R. Seto, and S. Adachi. Overlooked branch cut in steepest descent method: switching line and atomic domain. Prog. Theor. Phys., 122, 1311–1346, 2009.
- H. Kuratsuji, R. Botet, and R. Seto. Electromagnetic gyration: Hamiltonian dynamics of the Stokes parameters. Prog. Theor. Phys., 117(2):195–217, 2007.
- R. Botet, H. Kuratsuji, and R. Seto. Novel aspects of evolution of the Stokes parameters for an electromagnetic wave in anisotropic media. Prog. Theor. Phys., 116, 285–294, 2006.
- R. Seto, R. Botet, and H. Kuratsuji. Excess conductivity of high-Tc superconductor thin films: role of smooth doping disorder. Phys. Rev. B, 73, 012508, 2006.
- R. Seto, H. Kuratsuji, and R. Botet. Resonant oscillations of the Stokes parameters in non-linear twisted birefringent media, Europhys. Letters, 71, 751–756, 2005.
- T. Hyouguchi, R. Seto, M. Ueda, and S. Adachi. Divergence-free WKB method. Ann. Phys., 312, 177–267, 2004.
Journal Articles (Non Peer-Reviewed)
- R. Seto, R. Mari, J. F. Morris, and M. M. Denn. The essential role of frictional contact in shear thickening. Japanese J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 28, No. 3, 296–303, 2014.
Conference Proceedings
- R. Botet, B. Cabane, M. Clifton, M. Meireles, and R. Seto. How a colloidal paste flows–scaling behaviors in dispersions of aggregated particles under mechanical stress. 5th Int. Workshop on Complex Systems, AIP Conf. Proc., 982, 320–325, 2008.
- R. Seto, H. Kuratsuji, R. Botet. Nonlinear oscillation of the Stokes parameters in birefringent media. Topology in ordered phases: Proc. 1st Int. Symposium on Top 2005, Sapporo, Japan, 327–331, 2006.
Book Chapter
- V. Bürger, E. Schlauch, V. Becker, R. Seto, M. Behr, and H. Briesen. Simulating the restructuring of colloidal aggregates. M. Kind, W. Peukert, H. Rehage, and H. P. Schuchmann, editors, Colloid Process Engineering, 145–173. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Keynote | Symposium | Invited Presentations
- Invited: “The physics and fluid mechanics of dense suspensions,” 2020 International Workshop on “Soft Matter and Biophysics Theories”, Beijing, November, 2020
- Invited: “Pressure-driven flow and jamming of dense suspensions in channels,” Virtual Symposium on “Physics of Dense Suspensions”, Boston, July, 2020
- Invited: “Flow and jamming of colloidal suspensions,” Annual meeting of The Physical Society of Japan, Division 12, 11, 7 Symposium, “Physics of glass and the extensions,” Gifu, Japan, September, 2019
- Invited: “Emergence of rigidity in suspension fluid mechanics,” CoMFoS19, Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics, Kanazawa, Japan, July, 2019
- Invited: “Shear jamming and rheology of dense suspensions,” IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics of Complex Fluids and Interfaces, IIT Kanpur, India, December, 2018
- Invited: “Simulation method of dense suspensions—Overdamped discrete element method with hydrodynamic lubrication” and “Shear Thickening suspensions in a wide gap Couette cell,” 2018 International Symposium on Multiple Scale Modelling of Complex Fluids— Fundamental Challenge and
Industrial Applications Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China, September, 2018 - Invited: “Anisotropy of sheared dense suspensions: normal stress differences and microstructure,” Rheology of disordered particles—suspensions, glassy and granular materials, Kyoto University, Japan, June, 2018
- Invited: “Extensional and shear flow material functions of dense suspensions -microstructure, particle pressure, and N1,” KITP Program: Physics of Dense Suspensions, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Invited: “Constitutive characterization of concentrated particle suspensions,”
Computational Mechanics of Particle-Functionalized Fluid and Solid Materials for Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Processes, University of California, Berkeley, May 2017. - Invited: “Thickening in extensional flow–Toward non-Newtonian fluid model for dense suspensions,” Non-Gaussian Fluctuation and Rheology of Jammed Matter, Kyoto, March 2017.
- Invited: “Grain boundary of magnetic colloid monolayers,” Dynamics of structure formation and heterogeneous deformation of particle systems, Kanazawa, January 2017.
- Invited: “Shear thickening and extension thickening of dense suspensions,” A3 Soft Matter Workshop, Tohoku University, Sendai, 2017
- Invited: “Nonuniform flow of shear thickening suspensions in widegap rotary Couette geometry,” CoMFoS16: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II, Fukuoka, October 2016.
- Keynote: “How do discontinuous shear thickening suspensions flow in a wide gap couette cell?” The XVIIth International Congress on Rheology, Kyoto, August 2016.
- Invited: “Shear thickening: SD-DEM model for dense suspensions,” WCCM-APCOM 2016 Congress, Seoul, July 2016.
- Invited: “A simulation study on shear thickening in wide-gap Couette geometry,” Avalanches, plasticity, and nonlinear response in nonequilibrium solids, Kyoto, March 2016.
- Symposium: “Flow of shear thickening suspensions,” The Physical Society of Japan, Division 11, 6, 12 Symposium, Dynamics of Plastic Solids: Nonlinear response, avalanche, and rheology, Osaka, September 2015.
- Invited: “Shear thickening of colloidal dispersions,” Glass transition and related science, Kashiwa, July 2015.
- Symposium: “Granular contacts in colloidal suspensions,” Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2015, Dr. Masao Satake Memorial Symposium on Granular Mechanics, Stanford, June 2015.
- Keynote: “Particle-scale modeling of colloidal suspension rheology,” Australasian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, February 2015.
- Invited: “S-shaped rheology curves of shear thickening suspension,” Soft Matter Workshop, Nagoya, January 2015.
Invited Seminars
- “A numerical approach to predict incompressible flows of dense non-Brownian suspensions,” Kyoto University, February 27, 2020
- “Jamming with shear-induced microstructure in dense suspensions,” Kyoto University, July 24, 2019
- “On the order parameter of shear thickening,” Osaka University, June 21, 2019
- “Shear jamming and fragility in dense frictional suspensions,” Nagoya University, June 18, 2019
- “Shear thickening of dense suspensions,” Hong Kong Baptist University, May 22, 2019
- “Streamers in sedimentation of non-Brownian particles,” Guangzhou University, April 15, 2019
- “Shear jamming and fragility in dense suspensions,” Guangzhou University, April 11, 2019
- “Fragility in jamming of densesuspensions under shear stress,” Osaka University, Cybermedia Center, February 4, 2019
- “Dilatancy of suspension rheology — coupling of Stokesian Dynamics and DEM,” Numerical granular mechanics workshop, Doshisha University, Japan, July 18, 2018.
- “Rheology and fluid mechanics of dense suspensions,”Kyoto University, Japan, April 25, 2018.
- “Microstructure and material functions of dense suspensions under extensional flows,” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara, February 14, 2018
- “Recent study of suspension rheology — On mechanism of shear thickening,” Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., January 9, 2018
- “How do dense suspensions flow? — Non-equilibrium microstructure and frictional contacts,” Osaka University, Cybermedia Center, December 22, 2017
- “How do dense suspensions flow? — Non-equilibrium microstructure and frictional contacts,” Waseda University, Department of Physics, December 19, 2017
- “Rheology of particle dispersion,” AGC Asahi Glass R&D Division, Japan, November 16, 2017.
- “Jamming transition under extensional flow,” Tanaka Group, University of Tokyo, Japan, July 3, 2017.
- “How do solids flow—Local rheology and continuum models of dense suspensions,” Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, March 30, 2017.
- “Discontinuous Shear Thickening Fluid in a Wide-Gap Couette Cell,” Kyoto University, Japan, June 29, 2016.
- “Particle scale simulations for bulk rheology: Shear thickening suspensions and yield stress suspensions,” Laboratoire Navier, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Champs sur Marne, France, March 27, 2015.
- “Inter-particle contact forces: Why they matter in ow of suspensions!” Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia, February 10, 2015.
- “The non-monotonic flow curves of shear thickening suspensions,” Soft Matter Seminar, Georgetown University, USA, December 1, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening of Brownian and non-Brownian suspensions: the Essential Role of Frictional Contact,” Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, August 5, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening: Introducing Friction to Suspension Rheology,” PRISM/PCCM Seminar, Princeton University, USA, April 9, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening: Introducing Friction to Suspension Rheology,” Nagoya University, Japan, February 27, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening: Introducing Friction to Suspension Rheology,” Kyoto University, Japan, February 24, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening: Introducing Friction to Suspension Rheology,” Ritsumeikan University, Japan, February 21, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening: Introducing Friction to Suspension Rheology,” Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, February 20, 2014.
- “Shear Thickening: Introducing Friction to Suspension Rheology,” Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, February 19, 2014
- “Discontinuous shear thickening as a dynamic jamming transition of frictional particles,” Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés, Grenoble, France, October 25, 2013.
- “Discontinuous shear thickening as a dynamic jamming transition of frictional particles,” Laboratoire IUSTI, Marseille, France, October 23, 2013.
- “Compressive Consolidation of Particulate Gels,” the Levich Institute, City College of New York, New York, USA, February 5, 2013.
- “Restructuring of Fractal Gels under Compression,” Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany, September 20, 2012.
- “Restructuring of colloidal aggregates—modeling and simulation,” Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, January 11, 2012
- “Modeling of colloidal gels—rheology and contact forces,” Saint-Gobain Recherche, Paris, France, September 8, 2011.
- “Channel flows of colloidal suspensions with a Lubrication DEM-CFD method,” Annual meeting of The Physical Society of Japan, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, March 2020. cancelled to due COVID19
- “Migration and jamming in pressure-driven flow of dense non-Brownian suspensions,” Grand Views of Soft and Liquid Matter Physics, Tokyo, Japan, March 2020. cancelled to due COVID19
- “Clogging of dense suspensions in channels,” Collective phenomena and Brownian motion, Nagoya, Japan, June 2019
- “Solids in a fluid— material properties and fluid mechanics,” the Young Scientists Symposium of the South Bay Interdisciplinary Science Center, Dongguan, China, May 2019
- “Normal stress differences in dense suspensions,” Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Rheolgy, Fukuoka, Japan, October 2018
- “On normal stress differences of dense suspensions,” Annual meeting of The Physical Society of Japan, Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Japan, September 2018.
- “Macroscopic flows of dense suspensions in wide-gap Couette cells—Migration and Shear Thickening,” The 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Jefu, Korea, June 2018
- “Extensional versus shear rheologies for dense suspensions,” Annual European Rheology Conference 2018, Sorrento, Italy, April 2018
- “Introduction of the General Rheology functions via stress decompositions with orthogonal tensor basis,” Tottori Nonlinear Workshop, Tottori, Japan, December 2017
- “Extensional rheology of colloidal dispersions,” Meeting of The Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, Kanajawa, Japan, October 2017
- “Toward fluid-mechanical approach for shear thickening dense suspensions,” Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Rheolgy, Niigata, Japan, October 2017
- “A theoretical framework for steady-state rheometry in generic flow conditions,” The Society of Rheology 89th Annual Meeting, Denver, USA, October 2017
- “Non-Newtonian fluid behavior of dense suspensions in simple shear and extensional flows,” The Society of Rheology 89th Annual Meeting, Denver, USA, October 2017
- “Shear thickening and jamming transition under extensional flows,” Annual meeting of The Physical Society of Japan, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan, September 2016.
- “Simulation model for dense suspension rheology: Stokesian-DEM,” Mini-symposium on Rheology, Kashiwa, Japan, July 2017.
- “Particle dynamics of crystallization of magnetic colloids,” Annual meeting of The Physical Society of Japan, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, September 2016.
- “Grain boundary kinetics during crystallization in magnetic colloid monolayers,” New Aspects of Micro- and Macroscopic Flows in Soft Matters, Onna, Japan, August 2016.
- “Quasistatic Particle Simulations of Crystalization in Colloidal Monolayer Systems,” Physically-Based Modeling of Polyatomic Gases and Phase Transitions, Onna, Japan, July 2016.
- “Magnetic binary colloidal monolayer subject to a cyclic external magnetic field and oscillatory shear,” International Symposium on Rheology, Kobe, Japan, September 2015.
- “Beyond friction: cohesion and interlocking in shear thickening of suspensions,” Arrested Gels: Dynamics, Structure and Applications, Cambridge, UK, March 2015.
- “Particle-scale simulation of shear thickening in dense colloidal suspensions,” Society of Rheology meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2014.
- “Dense suspension modeling and discontinuous shear thickening,” 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Melbourne, Australia, July 2014.
- “Shear thickening and friction in Brownian suspensions,” 2nd Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop, New York, USA, June 2014.
- “Does shear thickening go with structural transitions?” Geometric Structure in Anisotropic Materials, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, February 2014.
- “Discontinuous shear thickening as a dynamic jamming transition of frictional particles,” GDR CNRS AMC2 Approches Multiphysiques pour les Colloïdes Concentrés, Séte, France, October 2013.
- “Discontinuous shear thickening—fluid dynamics or granular physics?” ASME Summer Meeting, Brown University, USA, July 2013.
- “Compressive consolidation of strongly aggregated colloidal gels,” Suspension Processing & Suspension Engineering Rheology, Cambridge, UK, September 2012.
- “Modeling of colloidal gels: rheology and contact forces,” The 2nd Suspension Engineering Rheology workshop, Melbourne, Australia, November 2011.
- “Modeling of colloidal gels: rheology and contact forces,” GDR CNRS AMC2 Approches Multiphysiques pour les Colloïdes Concentrés, Toulouse, France, October 2011.
- “Hydrodynamic stresses in colloidal aggregates under shear flow,” UK Colloids, London, UK, July 2011.
- “Restructuring of colloidal aggregates in shear flow: Contact model and Stokesian Dynamics,” GDR CNRS AMC2 Approches Multiphysiques pour les Colloïdes Concentrés, Annecy, France, December 2010.
- “Compaction of colloidal aggregates: modeling and simulation,” Journées scientifiques du GDR 2980, Sorreze, France, July 2009.
- “Understanding the plastic deformation under uniform compression in 2D system,” Journées scientifiques du GDR 2980, Carry le Rouet, France, June 2008.
Poster presentations
- “Extensional and simple shear flow material functions of dense suspensions,” KITP Conference: Nonlinear mechanics and rheology of dense suspensions: nanoscale structure to macroscopic behavior, Santa Barbara, January 2018.
- “Grain boundary of magnetic colloid monolayer,” University of Tokyo ISSP Workshop, Glass transition and related science, Kashiwa, Japan, July 2015.
- “Discontinuous Shear Thickening and Frictional Contacts of Particles,” IFPRI Robert Pfeffer Symposium, Delaware, USA, June 2013.
- “Discontinous Shear Thickening simulation: contact dynamics in viscous fluids,” Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA, May 2013.
- “Restructuring of colloidal gels under shear and compression,” Flocculated suspensions: from microstructure to macroscopic behavior, École des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, France, June 2012.
- “Hydrodynamic forces on colloidal aggregates: Free-draining approximation vs. Stokesian Dynamics,” DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, Aachen, Germany, May 2010.
- “Compaction of colloidal aggregates,” Colloids, Grains and Dense Suspensions: under Flow and under Arrest, The Royal Society, London, UK, March 2009.
Featured in media
- “Shear thickening” in non-shear flows: the effect of microstructural, Prof. Helen J. Wilson, Focus on Fluids, Dec. 11, 2017.
- Friction Makes Cornstarch and Water into Bizarre Oobleck, Nathan Collins, Scientific American, Volume 310, Issue 2, Feb. 1, 2014.
- CCNY team models sudden thickening of complex fluids, EurekAlert, January 16, 2014.
- Model explains why liquid suspensions suddenly turn solid, Tim Wogan, Physics World, Nov. 25, 2013.
- Friction’s Role in Shear Thickening, Dr. Eric Brown, Physics 6, 125, Nov. 18, 2013.