Dat-Kwong Lock
办公室:CSMT 523
Education Background
B.S. in Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley
M.S. in Physics
University of Washington, Seattle
Ph.D. in Chemistry
University of Washington, Seattle
All But Thesis in the M.S. program in Computer Science
San Francisco State University, San Francisco
Dat-Kwong received the B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of California in Berkeley at age 18. Then moved to the University of Washington in Seattle, where he received his M.S. degree in Physics and Ph.D. in Chemistry. His research was in the field of Nuclear Chemistry. After graduation from Seattle, he went back to school to pursue his Master degree in Computer Science at San Francisco State University. While working on his thesis, he was recruited to work as a senior software developer, and taught Computer Science at Holy Names University in Oakland, California. As such, he was not able to find time to finish his thesis. Later, he went to the Philippines to start his own business in the field of computer graphics. After 12 years in the business, he decided to return back to teaching. Since then, he has taught Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and served as planetarium director.
Courses teaching in WKU
preparatory chemistry
chemistry II
chemistry I
calc for bus and eco
physics I
physics II
Academic Experience
Aug. 2015 – June 2016: Assistant Professor in Chemistry American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, Iraq
Mar. 2011 – Aug. 2015: Assistant Professor in Chemistry University of Ulsan, Ulsan, South Korea
Aug. 2005 – June 2010: Chemistry Faculty Allan Hancock College. Santa Maria, California, USA
Jan. 2004 – July 2005: Physical Science faculty South Texas College, McAllen, Texas, USA
Aug. 2002 – July 2003: Physics/Chemistry faculty and Planetarium Director Barton County Community College, Great Bend, Kansas, USA
Sept. 1986 – Jan. 1990: Instructor Holy Names University, Oakland, California, USA
Research Interest
Chemical education